Portfolio > Works on paper: Location Reverie

Red Sky Step Field is a small vertical,rectanglular abstract landscape painting of charcoal black steps over a field of spray acrylic with red, blue, yellow, green, and white colors and ared sky strip at top by Scott McKinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic spray paint, charcoal on card stock
8.5" x 11"
That Full Feeling Of Long Light is a small vertical rectangular abstract painting of steps up to a porch painted in acrylic and latex paint in colors pale-blue, dark blue, bright yellow-green, gray and black by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic & latex paint, charcoal on paper
11" x 15"
Soft Nights Approach And Cooler is a small vertical rectangular abstract landscape painting of steps up to porch at night in acrylic and latex paint with charcoal in colors pale blue, light gray, pale yellow green, black by Scott mckinley Fine Artist 2018
acrylic & latex paint, charcoal on paper
11" x 14"
St. Francis Street Pale Sky is an abstract landscape painting of steps and building piers painted in acrylic paint in colors of orange, pale blue and pale yellow-green made by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist in 2019.
acrylic paint, charcoal on paper
11' x 14"
Its A light Step Wanted is a small vertical rectangular abstract landscape painting of entry step forms painted in acrylic and latex paints, charcoal, oil pastel in colors of  light blue, bright orange yellow-green and black by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist
acrylic spray paint, latex paint, oil pastel, charcoal on paper
11" x 15"
Night Cluster is a small irregular edge abstract landscape painting of night sky and steps on blue paper with oil pastel, acrylic, charcoal in colors blue, red, white and black by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal on color paper
10" x 12.5" irregular
St. Francis Street Entrance is a 7" x 11" small abstract landscape painting of an approach to a yellow house painted in acrylic, oil pastel, ink on watercolor paper with colors of blue, violet, brown, yellow, green by Scott McKinley Fine Artist in 2018.
acrylic, oil pastel, colored inks on watercolor paper
7.5" x 11"
Red House Fantasy is a small rectangular abstract landscape painting of a house entry walkway in acrylic, oil pastel, ink with colors red, orange, violet, black on paper by Scott McKinley Fine Artist in 2018.
acrylic, oil pastel, india ink on paper
7.25" x 10.75"
A Simple Place is a small abstract landscape painting in acrylic paint and oil pastel on watercolor paper in colors of orange, yellow, blue, browns and black by Scott McKinley Fine Artist in 2018.on watercolor pap
acrylic paint, oil pastel on watercolor paper
8.5" x 11"
Bright Approach small is a small rectangular abstract landscape painting of a walkway up to a house in oil pastel, ink and watercolor with colors orange, yellow, light blue, beige, black by Scott McKinley Fine Artist 2018.
watercolor, graphite, oil pastel, ink on paper
9" x 12"
Red Caly Yard is a small rectangular abstract landscape painting of a front yard and house porch in acrylic, oil pastel, ink with colors red, orange purple, gray, black by Scott McKinley Fine Atrist 2018.
acrylic, oil pastel, ink on paper
7.5" x 10.75 "
Blue Entrance Memory is an 8" x 10" abstract landscapre painting of an entryway to a house in acrylic, india ink and oil pastel in blue, red, violet gray, pink, black color on Arches paper by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist, 2018.
acrylic, india ink, oil pastel on Arches paper
7.75" x 10.25"
Red House Entrance is a small abstract landscape painting of front porch steps in acrylic, oil pastel and ink on paper with colors green, blue, orange, brown, red, pink, white by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic, oil pastel, ink on paper
7.5" x 9"
Approach To Blue House is an 11" x 8" abstract landscape painting of an approach to a blue house in acrylic, oil pastel, ink on watercolor paper with colors pale blue, pink, orange black  by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist in 2017.
acrylic, india ink, oil pastel on watercolor paper
11.25" x 8.5"
Memory Glow is a small rectangular abstract landscape painting of steps and a walkway to a house in watercolor, ink, crayon, glitter in color pale green, yellow, voilet dark brown, black by Scott McKinley Fine Artist in 2018.
watercolor, crayon, ink, glitter on paper
8.5" x 11"
August, St. Francis Street is a  9.5" x 13" abstract landscape painting of a house entrance in oil pastel, ink, acrylic with colors bright orange, red,brown by Scott McKinley Fine Artist 2017.
acrylic, oil pastel, ink on colored paper
9.5" x 13"
Soft Day is a small rectangular abstract landscape painting of a front walkway to a house in acrylic, oil pastel, glitter, ink with pale colors of blue, purple, red, white, black by Scott McKinley Fine Artist 2018..
acrylic, oil pastel, glitter, ink on paper
7.5" x 9"
Entry Touch a small vertical rectangular abstract landscape painting of an entryway in acrylic paint and ink on paper in softly applied colors of pale-blue, bright-red, deep-blue and pink by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic paint, ink on paper
8.5" x 11.5"
Memory Schematic is a small vertical rectangular abstract landscape painting of diagramatic steps in color field of pale blue, bright yellow with black in acrylic paint and charcoal by Scott McKinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic & latex paint, charcoal on Arches paper
11" x 15"
Bright Landings is a small linear abstract landscape painting of a house porch in acrylic, oil pastel, ink on paper by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic, ink, oil pastel on paper
8" x 11"
Front Porch Commands is a small vertical rectangular abstract landscape painting of entry steps and a house porch in acrylic paint, charcoal , oil pastel with colors red, white, green, orange, yellow, black on card stock by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist 2018
acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal on card stock
8.5" x 11"
Darkness On The Yard  is a small 8.5" x 11" abstract landscape painting in acrylic, charcoal, oil pastel with colors black, orange, blue, green, white on paper by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic, charcoal, oil pastel on paper
8.5"' x 11"
Step Field is a small vertical rectangular abstract landscape painting with black charcoal steps over sprayed acrylic colors of green, yellow, black, blue, pale blue on card stock by Scott McKinley Fine Art 2018.
acrlic & latex paint, charcoal on paper
8.5" x 11"
Orange Step Schematic, a small vertical rectangular abstract landscape painting of steps up to a porch in oil and acrylic paint with charcoal in colors bright-orange, soft-blue, pale-gray, yellow-green, pink, black and white by Scott Mckinley Fine Artist
oil & acrylic paint, charcoal on paper
11" x 15"
Step Field Hard Sky is a small vertical rectangular abstract landscape painting of diagramatic black steps in charcoal under bright red spray sky lines with color pale-blue, dark-green, bright blue, yellow by Scott McKinley Fine Artist 2018.
acrylic spray paint, latex paint, oil pastel, charcoal on card stock
8.5" x 11"

The Location Reverie Paintings are notations of steps, stairs and approaches to houses, buildings and yards in North Florida. They capture a sense of physical urgency and light-filled vibrancy through intensity of color, the physicality of the materials and strength of line. These small paintings on paper employ a limited range of visual notations to convey a complex of remembered feeling.